
Never know where its going to take you. On the one hand, you could be sitting where i was this morning. At my apartment, getting ready to go to work. As i contemplated the view out of my window, it occurred to me that the little canvas patchwork tent i see out there every day, all day, the one at the foot of the 400 year old baobab tree isn’t anything but someone’s house. Their place. Day in and day out. They are out there. They use the ocean as their shower, their bathroom, their dumping ground. They light their cooking fires, and buy bottled water from any of the shops within walking distance.They sit and watch the daily football matches, they endure as the ball invariably bounces through their tent several times a day. On Sunny days, they sit in the shade of the tree, and on rainy days as it so often is these days (the rainy season after all), they huddle inside their tent, around their fire. Watch live go by. Roll of the dice? Luck. God’s will? Call what you will. Regardless, how do you enact change? How do you get buy in for change if your whole outlook in live is sit on your beach, live off the fish you pull out of the ocean, no need for electricity, running water. sanitation. How do you go on seeing change and progress around you limited to those who came to your land? Getting a bit disjointed here.

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