
22 March 27, 2013
Friday night, World Cup Qualified on the schedule, not airing live through Super Sport (South African version of ESPN, but with 7 channels, showing football—not nfl—cricket, extreme sports, motor sports, sailing, golf, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, etc.) but on a one hour delay from Barranquilla.. so had to wait for the game to start at 12:45 am Saturday morning. Ok, no problem – on a Friday night we’re usually ½ or 2/3 through the night by then. Thing was, we were invited to a birthday party for someone we hadn’t met – no problem. One, little two, little three, little four, little colombians.. that’s why we were there! Nearly all Colombians in Dar .. hosted a birthday party for a Brazilian from the embassy , danced salsa, ate tons of empanadas, drank plenty of whisky on the rocks.. and waited to watch our tricolor beat up on Bolivia all the way until three in the morning. Check off another off the unexpected bucket list – watch WC qualifier nearly live from East Africa while eating empanadas. Check.

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